遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in 华盛顿堡 PA



游泳 & 潜水:校友, Aquatic Club Members to Compete at Olympic Team Trials

In 1924, before Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana played host to the Olympic Team Trials, the state hosted the event at Broad Ripple Park and featured Johnny Weissmuller, 从1932年到1948年,他在12部电影中饰演泰山,后来又主演了16部“丛林吉姆”电影和26集半小时的电视剧.  韦斯穆勒退役后保持不败,拥有5枚奥运会金牌和67项世界纪录. While no famous actors will be competing at the 2024 trials, 将有多名运动员与日耳曼学院和日耳曼学院水上俱乐部有联系. 

兰登·德·阿里亚诺,1924年, 艾米莉·哈米尔,25岁, 亨利·莫里西22岁, 和安雅·莫斯特克(GAAC)将于6月15日至6月23日降落到印第安纳波利斯小马队(NFL)的主场进行试训. 艾玛·阿特金森,20岁 also qualified for the Trials, but is unable to attend. 主教练杰夫·汤普森解释了球队在比赛前是如何训练的.  

"The school season is all held in short-course pools," Thompson said. "Trials and most international competitions are held in long-course pools. We obviously don't have that here, so we've been training at Ashbourne Swim Club and we've been going out there, 整个团队, 大约一个月了. 我们一直在努力让孩子们保持训练周期,我们让他们多睡一会儿,以适应我们在印第安纳波利斯的日程安排."


达里亚诺最近在佐治亚大学男子游泳队结束了辉煌的职业生涯, but started with the Aquatic Club about six years ago. 他将参加6月16日(周六)的400米个人混合泳和6月20日(周四)的200米个人混合泳. 达里亚诺去年参加过菲利普斯66全国赛,有与大学和专业水平的游泳运动员交手的经验, and thinks that that will set him up well. However, he said he just wants to come away with a positive experience.

 “这是我的第一次试验,可能是别人的第三次或第四次,”达里亚诺说. "No matter what, I'm going to be a little blown away. So I'm trying to stay level-headed and learn a lot. My best chance to make a final is the 400 IM, so I'd personally like to make that, but even if I drop time in prelims, 我会很开心的. It's all just a good learning experience."

汤普森说:“兰登有一个非常大的引擎,他有一个永不停止的马达. 他做任何事都毫不留情,他无所畏惧,他利用了这一点."


Hamill will be swimming in the 100 Backstroke on Monday, 6月17日 and the 200年stroke on Thursday, 6月20日. 她在学校度过了一个出色的赛季,创造了多项纪录,并获得了Inter-Ac联赛的MVP. 哈米尔说,这一直是她从小的梦想和目标, 能够在达里亚诺和她的队友并肩作战让这一切变得更加特别.

"I'm excited to go and represent GA in Indy," Hamill said. "My main goals are to have fun and enjoy the experience. This is a huge achievement for me, and I am simply going to enjoy this journey, learn important lessons I will use throughout my swim career, and overall just take it all in. I hope to qualify with even faster times in 2028."

Thompson says: "Emily has an engine and a great feel for the water. 这是一种天赋,她利用了这种天赋,并在泳池中取得了巨大的成功."


Morrissey came to GA in seventh grade, met Thompson, and the rest is history. He called deciding to swim with GAAC one of his best decisions ever, 即使在斯坦福大学游泳期间,她仍然与球队成员和教练组保持密切联系. Morrissey will be competing in the 1500 Freestyle on Saturday, 小君e 22 and the 800 Freestyle on Monday, 6月17日. 

"I've had the opportunity of doing some bigger USA 游泳 competition, 但从来没有这么多人,莫里西说. “我真的很兴奋. 很多人说这是世界上最快的比赛,有时甚至比奥运会还快. 所以我真的很兴奋能看到一些快速游泳,希望我自己也能取得一些最好的成绩."

汤普森说:“亨利·莫里西对这项运动的热情和热爱可能是首屈一指的. 这种爱和激情让他每天都去泳池,他喜欢努力工作. He's also really tall, which you can't teach. 

Anya Mostek (GAAC)

A 二年级学生 at Harvard University, Mostek was named All-Ivy League First Team in the 100 Back, 200年, 和400米混合泳接力赛,并在200米自由泳接力赛中获得常春藤联盟第二队荣誉, and 200 Medley Relay during the 2023-24 season. She had competed in dual meets against GA swimming for The Baldwin School, and knew Hamill from their previous club team. Mostek said Hamill recommended she come train with Thompson for the summer. Mostek will be swimming in the 100 Backstroke on Monday, 6月17日. 

"Making trials has been my goal for so long," Mostek said. "I don’t want to get caught up in the pressure. I want to celebrate my journey and see what I can do when it is my turn to race. 游泳很难. 要想看到好的结果,就必须在精神和身体上进行投资, 但是GAAC的这个团队真的很特别,因为他们有一种我在其他俱乐部没有看到的活力和承诺. I am so grateful for the opportunity and have met many amazing people at GAAC."

Thompson says: "Anya is six-plus feet tall, and you can't coach height. She also has great talents, and she has worked those talents."


阿特金森在2016-20赛季是GA女子游泳队的佼佼者,并在弗吉尼亚理工大学继续取得成功, where she has been a foundational piece for the program. Atkinson has swam at NCAAs in all four years of her career with the Hokies, earning individual invites in her freshman, 二年级学生, 在大三的时候,她是一名只参加接力赛的游泳运动员. She will be returning to Blacksburg next year for her COVID-19 fifth year. 阿特金森仍然保持着vwin德赢娱乐女子200米自由泳的记录(1分45秒).77), 100自由泳(49).71)和100仰泳(52).80). 她解释了水上俱乐部的成长,以及它对她职业生涯的影响.

"I learned a lot about swimming and the science behind it and technique, 但我想说,杰夫在这四年里教给我的人生课程是最重要的,阿特金森说. “我还在向他学习. 他是个很有见地的人. He is always there for guidance and he was really a big role model that I had. 

“当我刚到那里的时候,我是唯一一个有资格参加全国大赛的人. 四年来,我一直独自和杰夫或唐尼(布拉什)一起旅行,因为没有其他人有资格参加这些比赛. 我记得是在去年的美网公开赛上,我看到了23岁的JJ弗里曼、艾米丽、25岁的卡莉博尔斯和兰登. It was weird because I never had that opportunity with my team, 但事实是,这些孩子有资格参加这些大型比赛,而不仅仅是其中一个, 就像一大群人一样,他们能够去竞争,并做出最终决定或放弃时间, like that says a lot about how this program has grown."

汤普森说:“艾玛·阿特金森, I remember when she first tried out at the end of eighth grade, 在她来GA之前. She jumped in the pool, pushed off the wall and did three dolphin kicks. I turned and looked at her mom and told her 'Emma will be unbelievable.' I saw everything I needed in those two seconds when she pushed off the wall. Emma is fearless, and an incredible athlete with a great attitude."